| 據了解,濟南圣泉公司被山東省在近日認定為“山東省綠色鑄造材料工程技術研究中心”,它是我國頭家鑄造材料類工程技術研究中心。政府也將給予100萬元的蕞高重點專項獎勵。It is understood, Jinan, Shandong Province Shengquan company was recently recognized as "green casting material Shandong Engineering Research Center", it is my first casting Material Engineering Research Center. The government will also focus on the highest of 100 million special award. 同時,國家與省市對工程技術研究中心還將重點給予科技創新重大項目和科技政策一系列支持與鼓勵。在鑄造行業中的節能、減排、清潔生產、循環經濟、環境友好型等重大關鍵性技術方面,該集團將會在綠色鑄造材料創新平臺建設的基礎上,將培養一批國際壹流的技術帶頭和技術骨干,從而促近產學研結合,使科技成果的配套性和工程化水平得到提高。使綠色環報鑄造系統更低耗、清潔、靈活、敏捷。促近我國鑄造行業向綠色鑄造轉變。In the foundry industry in energy saving, emission reduction, clean production, cyclical economy, and environment-friendly major key technologies, the Group will be cast in the green building materials based on the innovation platform, will train a group of international-class technology to take the lead and technical backbone, so as to promote study, and research so that the supporting scientific and technological achievements and improve the level of engineering. |